Ms. Hannah Kostic
Religion: Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist, seasons and celebrations of the church, ways to live out our Catholic faith and deepen our relationship with Jesus, daily forms of prayer and journaling.
Math: Addition and subtraction facts, 2 and 3-digit addition and subtraction problems, geometry, money, time, fractions, probability, measurement, introduction of multiplication and division; IXL. Students will be given their log in information for IXL in the beginning of the year.
Reading: Variety of genres, story elements, oral and listening skills, reading comprehension skills which include main idea, supporting details, drawing conclusions, decoding, dictionary skills, making predictions, etc. Spelling City will also be used. Students will be given their log in information at the beginning of the year.
Language Arts/Phonics/Writing: decode words, spelling patterns, parts of speech, proofreading, editing, mechanics, sentence structure, paragraph structure, different styles of writing, cursive writing.
Science: Major concepts of:
Science labs will help incorporate all learning topics.
Social Studies: Map skills, geography, communities, community helpers, government, historical figures, economics, America’s history.
Handwriting: Strengthen print handwriting skills and the introduction to cursive letters.