Monday: Art
Tuesday: Religion Music & Gym
Wednesday: Music & Spanish
Thursday: Italian & Gym
Friday: None
Class participation, homework, class work, projects, as well as, tests and quizzes will help determine the student's grades. My grading policy requires that all work be completed for the due date in order to receive full credit. Assignments (both class work and homework) that are handed in late or incomplete, students will receive partial credit. If an assignment is missing and not turned in, a "0" (zero) will be recorded and reflected in the trimester grade. Students are expected to complete ALL assignments in a timely manner.
To determine the class participation grade, I have created a class participation rubric. Each Friday afternoon, students will sit down and reflect upon their week. Students should be completely honest with themselves and the week they had. Through the course of the week, if something comes up with a particular student I will jot down the behavior/situation to keep with the class participation record.
Homework should be expected on a nightly basis. Occasionally there may be projects to be worked on over the weekends as well. Homework is to be completed and returned the next day. Homework/tests/projects/notes are written on the homework board when the students arrive in the morning so it is their responsibility to copy it down before the end of the day. Students will also be responsible to check their in class mailboxes for any missed work or homework if they are absent.
Students will be deducted 5 points each day for late homework. After day 5, they will recieve a zerio in PowerSchool. Handing all homework in on time will result in the best possible grade!
If there is an issue with students completing homework, please send me an e-mail the night before so I may address the issue.
I have spent a lot of time leveling, labeling, and organizing all of the books within our classroom library. After assessing the students in September with our DRA program, they will know which leveled book is just right for them and will be able to enjoy our new library! I ask that you always encourage your student to read at school when there many be free time and most importantly, at home! Being able to read for periods of time is a skill that many struggle with and I hope with the new classroom library, it will be fun and exciting for them! Also, students are always welcome to bring their own books from home!