The AMBS Home Academy Partnership (HAP) organizes and oversees the fundraising and community building activities that help our school thrive and flourish. HAP is a volunteer group comprised of parents and alumni parents. The executive board works closely with the staff, administration, advisory board and event/committee chairs. All AMBS parents are members of the HAP Parent Group.
Class Parents serve an important role. They help our teachers and school by:
Make a Difference by Volunteering! Your help and support will keep the HAP parent group strong and deliver fabulous events and activities for our children.
HAP CLASS PARENTS LETTER- SIGNUP BY AUGUST 30, 2024HAP communicates regularly via Eblasts from the HAP board. All flyers and events will also be listed on the AMBS Website ( under the Events & News for future reference.
Information can also be found on Facebook. The page is constantly updated with new event information, dates and pictures of the children in the classroom! Please also join the closed group “AMBS Parents;” this is a forum for the parents, alumni and alumni parents to stay connected to the AMBS community.